Content provided by: Kari, SM0HRP
Assumptions: You use Writelog version 12.20 D or later. SDR TX delay has been set to 0 ms.
This article applies to dual SCU radios, like the FLEX-6700, FLEX-6600(M) and FLEX-8600(M).
1. Launch Flex SDR windows and four slices. Slice A and B on one panadapter, and slice C and D on another panadapter.
2. Launch SDR CAT and add corresponding ports for all slices A to D. Add also a Winkeyer port (a serial virtual port).
3. Choose in Setup of SDR windows and the Focus helper the Program Writelog.
4. Launch Writelog and under “Set Up” and “Ports” configure two separate ports by choosing “Rig Type” and Flex-6000 series. Use default options for other matters. Under “CW keyer type” choose “K1EL Winkeyer 2”. Under SO2R control choose “None”. Assign a Port for CW corresponding to the chosen Winkeyer CAT Port (here COM 12). Assign “No rig” for the CW Port. If you decide to use an external Winkeyer use the port in windows instead (not in use by SDR CAT though).
5. Assign slices to the entry windows by pressing on “Radio button L” and choosing “Rig Flex Slice A & B” and “Select Frequency” and band by choosing correct band alternative for these slices (14000 in this case).
6. Same for “Radio button R” for the slices C & D (7000 in this case). After this, you should have this SDR windows look.
7. Save this Global Profile as “SO2R Writelog”.
8. Close slices B and D unless you want to use them for split operation. This is the final look.
9. Now you can use Writelog for SO2R between 20 and 40 m.