Export Profiles without Persistence Data
Note: This step must be done using SmartSDR for Windows. If you skip this step, you will delete any saved profiles.
Backup your profile and persistence databases
- Start SmartSDR for Windows and connect to your radio
- From the menu bar, select Profiles -> Import/Export Profiles - the Profile Import/Export windows will open
- Click on the EXPORT tab
- Click Select All at the top so all of the little circles have checkmarks in them.
- UNCHECK the Preference option.
- Click EXPORT. A file save window will appear. Just save the export files to your desktop.
- On your desktop, two files will be created; the main profile file and a memories.csv file. The main profile file has the file extension of ssdr_cfg and the light purple SSDR icon.
Perform a Cold Boot and Factory Reset of your Radio
NOTE: Before starting, shut down all programs that may interface with the radio such as loggers, digital mode programs, and NodeRed devices.
NOTE: If you have anything connected to the REM ON connector on the back of the radio, please remove it before running the reset procedure. Once the reset procedure is finished, it can be reconnected.
Before you get started, please note the "wait times" in the steps listed below. These are important to ensure the radio resets properly.
- Power off the radio by pressing and releasing the power button. Allow it to completely power down before continuing by waiting for the power LED to turn off (or amber if a FLEX-6000 GPSDO is installed). If pressing and releasing the power button does not shut down the radio, press and hold the power button until the radio shuts down. If this does not work, turn off the DC power supply to shut down the radio.
- Once the radio is powered off, wait for 2 minutes to allow for all processors to shut down properly.
- Remove DC power from the radio by disconnecting the DC power cable for at least 30 seconds. Removing the DC power cable rather than turning off the power supply is important to ensure a complete power down of the radio's processors.
- Reconnect the DC power cable and turn on your power supply
- Wait 2 minutes after turning on the DC power supply to allow the internal PSoC processor to boot up completely before continuing.
For FLEX-6700 and FLEX-6500:
- Press and hold the OK button while simultaneously pressing and releasing the Power button.
- Release the OK button once the power LED turns white and allow the radio to continue booting normally.
- When the Power LED is solid green, the radio has completed the boot-up process.
For FLEX-6300, FLEX-6x00(M), FLEX-8x00(M):
- Press and hold the Power button for approximately 5 seconds until the Power button LED turns white. After the power button turns white, release the Power button and allow the radio to continue booting indicated by a flashing green power button LED.
- When the Power button LED is solid green, the radio has completed the boot-up process.
Depending on several factors, it may take a few minutes for the radio to finish booting so please be patient and allow it to boot up completely.
Import Previously Exported Profiles
- Start SmartSDR for Windows and connect to your radio
- From the menu bar, select Profiles -> Import/Export Profiles - the Profile Import/Export windows will open
- Click on the IMPORT tab
- Click the BROWSE button - A file selection window will appear
- Select the file from your desktop having a file name in the format of SSDR_Config-mm-dd-yyy_h.mm.PM (or AM).ssdr_cfg that corresponds to the date and time you exported the profiles and click OPEN.
- Be sure that the "Preferences" box is NOT Checked.
- Click on IMPORT - the profiles will be copied to the radio. The radio will close all panadapters while importing and will recreate them when the IMPORT is complete.
After importing any profiles, please test the radio again to confirm that the behavior you were experiencing has been corrected.
If a problem returns after importing your profiles, this indicates that the profile is causing the problem and it should be deleted and recreated. You will then need to repeat the reset procedure above without importing any profiles, and recreate your profiles from "scratch."