This is a quick pictorial description for configuring a single slice/instance of MMSSTV for basic Slow Scan TV operation with the FLEX-6000/8000 Series Radios. This is for use WITHOUT using SliceMaster6000. (There is already an excellent tutorial for using SliceMaster)
This article will not cover the more advanced MMSSTV settings for changing or editing MACROS or other configurations, or selecting & editing the various MMSSTV receive decoders. These settings are available in the MMSSTV user guide and in other tutorials online.
1) Create a Virtual CAT COM Port in the CAT Program:
- Click on the "ADD" button in the CAT Program.
- Give a descriptive "Name" to the Port (This picture shows the name as "SSTV_COM 5)
- Select the "Port Protocol" to "CAT."
- Select the "SERIAL" Button to configure a Cat COM Serial Port
- Select "FlexVSP"
- The Program should automatically assign an available COM Port.
(In this picture, COM 5 has been selected.) - Select the Slice letter that will match the slice receiver used for digital mode operation.
(In this case - Slice A) - Click to ENABLE for the "Auto Switch TX Slice" option. (This will cause SmartSDR to automatically select Slice A as the "Active TX Slice" when MMSSTV starts to transmit.)
- Click on the SAVE Button to finish creating the virtual COM Port
2) Configure MMSSTV as follows:
- Download and install the latest version of MMSSTV. (Currently Version 1.13A)
MMSSTV - HamSoft
- Click on "Option(O) > Setup MMSSTV (O)"
- In the "PTT" Port: Select "NONE"
- Click the "Radio Command" button to open the "Radio Command" configuration window.
- Configure the "Radio Command" tab as indicated below:
- In the "Port Definition" section, select the same COM Port number that you created in Step 1.
(For example, In this picture, COM Port 5 has been selected.) - Set "VFO Po0lling" to KENWOOD
- Click on "SAVE" and give a name to your configuration file.
- Select "OK" in the Radio Command window to close the window.
3) Select the "Misc" Tab to Configure the MMSSTV Sound Card Input and Output settings.:
In the example below, it is assumed that the DAX channel associated with the slice receiver you will be using for digital mode operation is the same as the one defined for the CAT port created above.
- Select the option for "Hide FlexRado Reserved and IQ Audio Devices."
(This limits the number of audio devices shown in the window only to those available for MMTTY.)
- The "SoundCard In" Audio Device should be set to "DAX Audio RX 1."
- The "SoundCard Out" Audio Device should be set to "DAX Audio TX."
NOTE: The DAX Audio Devices will not be listed in sequential order. Be careful to select the proper DAX Audio Devices.
- Set the "Clock" to 48000.00 Hz
- Check that the rest of the settings match the screen settings above.
- Click the "RX" Tab and check the settings below. This are good for initial operations.
- Click on OK to set the devices.
4) Configure Your Radio for SSTV Operation:
- Use the MODE Pull-down menu in the "Slice Flag" to Select DIGU as the MODE in the radio.
- Select the Receive Channel from the DAX Pulldown menu in the "Slice Flag" in SmartSDR.
- Most users select DAX Channel 1 for Slice A.
(This must match the DAX AUDIO RX channel selected for the Reception Audio INPUT in MMSSTV) - If you wish to use a different RX DAX Channel, you must also change it in the MMSSTV "Misc" settings tab.
5) Check your settings in the DAX Control Panel
- TX Gain = 45 (this will prevent overdriving the audio input level.)
- RX Stream 1 "Slice a" = 35 (gives a good signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in MMSSTV)
- The "Slice A" notation in RX Streaming 1 indicates that DAX Channel 1 has correctly been selected for "Slice A" (see step 4, above.)
- The small square button for RX Streaming Channel 1 should be BLUE. If it is Yellow, click on it. If it does not turn BLUE, check that DAX Channel 1 has been selected in Slice A of your radio. (see step 4, above).
6) Enable the TX DAX Button in the "Radio Controls" Panel > P/CW Sub-Panel (See Yellow Arrow)
- You may also wish to enable the MON (Monitor) so you can hear your own transmitted signal.
You may not want it very loud, however, for comfort. - Do NOT select the +ACC Button above it. It is not needed.
7) Configure your FlexRadio Receive Filters for best Digital Modes operation
Set the Digital Mode Filter to Low Latency. (Turn "Auto" OFF in the Digital Line)
Do NOT check the "Low Latency Filters for Digital Modes" box if you are using MMTTY Mode. (That setting is primarily for use with PACTOR and other digital modes that require low-latency operation.
- Use a Receive Filter Bandwidth of about 0-3000 Hz
8) Additional Consideration:
Always use DIGU Mode when operating with MMSSTV. If you use USB or LSB, then your PROC or TX EQ will distort the SSTV signal.
Create a custom Mic Profile for DIGITAL mode operation and link it to the DIGU mode:
- To Create a custom Digital Mic Profile In SmartSDR For Windows:
Click on "Profiles > Create Mic Profile." Be sure the "Mic Profile" tab is selected. - Click in the Box that says "New Profile Name" and Name it "DIGITAL."
- Hit "CREATE" and close the menu.
- Now make the appropriate changes to your Mic Profile settings for the DIGU Mode:
- This Mic Profile should have the TX DAX button enabled (see above)
- Set the LOW-CUT = 50 and HIGH-CUT = 3100
- Select This Mic Profile from the Mic Profile Pull-down menu, use it whenever you are running the radio in DIGU mode with MMSSTV (or WSJT-X). Once selected when in DIGU Mode, the radio will remember it the next time you change to DIGU Mode.
- If you wish to listen to your transmit tones, turn on Monitor (MON) Button and adjust the MON Slider to a comfortable level. (You won't need much)
This should finish the configuration of your basic MMSSTV Setup.
Have fun with Slow Scan TV!