This article will show:
1) How to Create a SmartLink account,
2) How to log in to an existing SmartLink Account, and
3) How to change the password on an existing SmartLink account:
It will not cover: setting up Port Forwarding, or troubleshooting network issues.
How to Create a SmartLink Account:
Use this procedure only if you do not already have a SmartLink account, OR if you wish to create a new or additional account:
A) Open SmartLink for Windows and navigate to the "Radio Chooser" window:
(If SSDR is already running and showing a panadapter and Slice, you will need to tell SSDR to return to the Radio Chooser window by clicking on the "Settings" menu button and selecting "Choose Radio / SmartLink Setup.")
B) When the Radio Chooser screen is displayed, click the "Log-In" button.
(If the "Log-Out" button is displayed, you are already logged in to a SmartLink Account.
Make certain you are using the correct SmartLink account. If it is NOT the account you want,
or you wish to use a different account, click the "Log Out" button. Then click on "Log-In.")
NOTE: In SmartSDR v3.8 and later, the Log-In screen looks like this, with three TABs:
SmartLink Login: for loggin in to existing SmartLink Accounts.
Sign-Up: To register an Emal and Password for a NEW SmartLink Account.
Reset Password: To Reset the password on an existing SmartLink Account.
C) Create the Account:
1. Enter the email address you want for your SmartLink Account. Then hit the "TAB" button to advance to the Password entry box.
2. Make up a password that you want to use for SmartLink, enter it in the "Password" box, and hit the "TAB" key.
NOTE: The password is "Case Sensitive." If something is Capitalized, this becomes part of the password.
NO SPACES are allowed in the password. You CAN use "Special Characters" such as - + = ( ) ! @ # $ % /.
(Do not use your email account password. If you need to share the password with someone, you do not want to compromise your email account security.)
3. If you want to see the password to check it for accuracy, click on the "SHOW / HIDE" button to reveal it.
4. To finish creating your SmartLink account, click the "Sign Up" button. (NOT the "Log-In" button)
For SmartSDR v3.8 and later:
Click on the "Sign Up" tab.
Enter your desired SmartLink Email
Enter your desired password on both Password lines.
Then Hit "SAVE."
5. Enter your Callsign, First Name, and Last Name into the Account Settings Table: Then Hit "SAVE."
Now your SmartLink Account has been created!
Write the email and Password down somewhere in case you forget it!
How to Log In to an Existing SmartLink Account:
To log in to an existing SmartLink Account, follow steps A and B above to navigate to your "Radio Chooser" Screen. and open the SmartLink Log-In window:
1. Enter the email address you used to create the intended SmartLink account. Hit the "TAB" Key.
2. Enter the Password you used when you created the SmartLink Account.
3. Hit the "Show/Hide" button to see the Password to check for accuracy.
(Many Log-in problems are caused by typos or Capitalization errors.)
4. Click the "Log In" button to log in to your existing SmartLink Account.
NOTE: For SmartSDR v3.8 and following:
Enter your SmartLink Email and password in the appropriate boxes.
Then click the "LOG IN" button
Common Errors you may get when trying to log in to your SmartLink Account:
400 Error:
Usually indicates that the email address you have entered is not on record.
- Verify you have entered the correct email address. (You DID write it down for safe-keeping, didn't you?)
- Check that you have properly entered the email address.
- Try another email address.
Common errors include:
- using the wrong email provider: "" instead of "" etc.
- forgetting a "." in the email name: "" instead of ""
401 Error:
Usually indicates that your Password does not match the password that is on record.
- Verify you are using the proper password. (Did you write it down somewhere?)
- Check for spelling/typo errors.
- Check for capitalization Errors.
- Be sure you have properly entered any "special characters."
NOTE: For SmartSDR v3.8 and following. The error screen looks like this:
If all else fails, you can reset your password:
How to Reset your SmartLink Password:
If it becomes necessary to change or reset your SmartLink Password:
Navigate to the "Log In" Window.
1. Enter your SmartLink Account Email Address and hit the "TAB" Key.
2. Hit the "Forgot Password" link.
NOTE: For SmartSDR v3.8 and later, the screen looks like this:
Click on the "Reset Password" tab
Enter your SmartLink Email
Click on the "Reset Password Button"
The SmartLink Log-in will respond with a message in green:
"We've just sent you an email to reset your password."
NOTE: For SmartSDR v3.8 and following, the response will look like this:
Check your email account.
If you receive the "reset" email. Please follow the instructions in the email to reset your SmartLink password.
Then log back into your SmartLink Account using your new password.
*** You will need to re-enter the SmartLink password on ALL devices that use this account: All PCs, Laptops, Mac, IOS Devices, Maestros, and M-Model Front Panels or they will not be able to log in to SmartLink.
If you do not receive the "Reset Email"
- Check your SPAM or JUNK Folders. The email sometimes gets misdirected by some email clients.
- Be certain that you entered the proper email address in the "Forgot Password" screen. If you entered an email address that is NOT on file with the SmartLink Server, you will NOT receive a "Reset Password" email. This is a security measure.
- Your account may have been temporarily locked due to excessive log-in attempts using the wrong password. Wait about 15-30 Minutes and try again. The server will reset after a time delay.
If the "Reset Password" link does not work? You may have waited too long to use it. The link will time-out to prevent someone from hacking your email account and using an old reset password link to hijack your SmartLink Account.
Your account may still be blocked from excessive log-in attempts.
Your SmartLink Account may have been previously created using either the "FaceBook" or "Google" Authentication, which is no longer supported.
You may need to recreate a new account using the same email account, but using the procedure above in "How to Create a SmartLink Account."
Can I Change the Email for my SmartLink Account?
You cannot simply change your email for your SmartLink Account.
But you can easily create a NEW SmartLink Account using your new Email Address and a new password and register your radio(s) to the new account.
Then log in to all your Client Devices with the new account.
Additional Resources:
Here is a good video about debugging SmartLink:
Debugging SmartLink - For newbies - YouTube
There is also a lot of good information in Section 9 of the SmartSDR Software User Guide:
To get SmartLink running you must ensure your radio has an internet connection. You can run this procedure on a computer that is on the same network as the radio to retrieve your radio information to examine network and software status:
Retrieving the Radio Information from a FLEX-6000 – FlexRadio
You can run this test from a computer on the radio side of the network to check for Multiple NAT issues: