Content provided by: Tim, W4TME
If you receive the error below, there are Three possible reasons for the error; either the FlexVSP driver is not installed, the driver install is corrupted or the virtual serial port kit service is not running.
FlexVSP Driver Not Installed
While rare, it is possible that a Windows permissions issue may have prevented the FlexVSP driver from installing. Follow this procedure to verify it is installed and manually install the FlexVSP driver if it is not installed.
1.) Shutdown SmartSDR and the FLEX-6000.
In Windows Control panel, go to "Programs and Features" window and look for the "FlexRadio Systems FlexVSP" entry:
If it is not listed, run the procedure below to manually install it, otherwise go th the Virtual Serial port service not running section below.
2.) Manually Install the FlexVSP driver
For 64-bit operating systems:
Open the Windows File Explorer, go to the C:\Program Files\FlexRadio Systems\FlexVSP folder.
Double click "FlexVSPInstaller_64.msi" file. Follow the defaults and agree to all the questions.
For 32-bit operating systems:
Open the Windows File Explorer, go to C:\Program Files\FlexRadio Systems\FlexVSP folder.
Double click "FlexVSPInstaller_32.msi" file. Follow the defaults and agree to all the questions.
3.) After the installer has completed, Restart the computer.
FlexVSP Driver Install is Corrupted
It is possible that a system dependency has become corrupted or modified by Windows. In this case, the issue can be resolved by repairing the FlexVSP driver install.
1.) Shutdown SmartSDR and the FLEX-6000.
2.) Manually Repair the FlexVSP driver
For 64-bit operating systems:
Open the Windows File Explorer, go to C:\Program Files\FlexRadio Systems\FlexVSP folder .
Right click on the "FlexVSPInstaller_64.msi" file and select Repair from the file context menu. Follow the defaults and agree to all the questions.
For 32-bit operating systems:
Open the Windows File Explorer, go to C:\Program Files\FlexRadio Systems\FlexVSP folder.
Right click "FlexVSPInstaller_32.msi" file and select Repair from the file context menu.. Follow the defaults and agree to all the questions.
3.) After the installer has completed, Restart the computer.
Virtual Serial Port Kit service not running
The FlexVSP driver installs as a Windows service and must be running before SmartSDR CAT is started. If the service is not run automatically when your PC boots up, this can cause the error noted above.
1.) Open the Windows Service Manager. There are several ways to do this:
a. Run the services.msc applet
b. Open My Computer and you can click on "Manage" button present in the ribbon.
c. If you have enabled My Computer icon on Desktop using Desktop Personalization window, you can right-click on the icon and select "Manage" option.
2.) Once Computer Management window is opened, click on "Services and Applications -> Services" in left-side pane. It'll show the services configuration screen.
3.) Look for the service named Virtual Serial Port Kit service. Right click on it and select Properties
4.) In the General tab, look for the Startup Type:
It is probably set to Manual. It needs to be changed - Select Automatic from the drop-down box
5.) Below that is the Service Status:. It is probably in a Stopped state. If it is, click on the Start button.
6.) When you are done, click OK
Now if you manually start SmartSDR CAT using the desktop icon, you should not get an error.