The AMBER light on the Power Button of FLEX-6000 radios usually indicates that the radio is turned OFF and you have the Optional GPSDO (GPS Disciplined Oscillator) installed and it is powered up to be ready when the radio is turned back ON.
If you do NOT have the GPSDO installed, then this can result from accidentally hitting "Install" in the GPS Tab, or from an occasional software "glitch" that fools the radio into thinking that the GPSDO is installed.
How to Correct This Issue:
1) Open SmartSDR for Windows, and go to the "Settings > Radio Setup > GPS" tab and click on "Uninstall." Then close the window and continue operating. This will disable the AMBER light.
2) From the Radio Front Panel, tap on the "MENU > GPS" tab and click on "Uninstall." Then close the window and continue operating. This will disable the AMBER light.