Sometimes, knowing the radio information will be required to troubleshoot issues. Retrieving the Radio Status is a straightforward process. Please follow the procedure to capture the radio information and paste it into an email reply or text file.
1.) Start SmartSDR for Windows. If the autostart process automatically starts SmartSDR where the panadapters are shown, disconnect so the the Radio Chooser screen is visible.
To do this, from the SmartSDR for Windows Menu Bar, select the Settings -> Choose Radio / SmartLink Setup... option.
A dialog box will be shown with the prompt "Are you sure you want to disconnect the current radio session?" Click on YES to continue. The Radio Chooser windows will be displayed as shown below.
2.) On the Radio Chooser screen, place your mouse cursor over the radio. The Radio Status pop-up window will appear.
3.) To copy the Radio Information to include it in a HelpDesk ticket email reply, place your mouse cursor over the radio in the Radio Chooser and click the RIGHT mouse button. This will show the context menu for the radio to copy the contents of the Radio Status to the Windows clipboard so you can paste it into an email or text file. This context menu is shown below.
4.) Click the LEFT mouse button on the context menu item "Copy radio info to clipboard".
5.) To paste the recently copied radio information into an email, click the RIGHT mouse button in the body of the email reply or into an open text file. A context menu will be displayed where one of the options is PASTE. Click the LEFT mouse button on the PASTE and the radio information text should appear in the document.
An example of it is shown below.
Serial: 1515-4202-6700-5684, Max Licensed Version: v3, Radio ID: 00-1C-2D-02-08-60, Radio IP:, Radio Internet: Available, Radio Firmware: v3.1.8.145