The FLEX-6000/8000 radios utilize two oscillators; a Driver Oscillator and a Master Oscillator.
The Driver oscillator disciplines the Master oscillator to ensure that the Master Oscillator is stable and accurate, and Reduces Phase Noise in the radio.
As the Master oscillator in a FLEX-6000/8000 radio ages normally, it will change frequency slightly over time. Using the Frequency Calibration routine will correct the slight changes in frequency due to aging.
The following test procedure will determine if the reference oscillator is experiencing an issue other than changes in frequency due to aging.
Sometimes the oscillator can drift beyond the locking range and the panafall display will show the "wobblies" -- the tuned frequency will drift up and down each side of the intended frequency. This can play havoc with digital modes such as FT8/FT4, RTTY, and others.
Perform a Factory Reset of the Radio Before Running Either of these Tests:
How to Factory Reset your FLEX-6000 Radio – FlexRadio
Perform a Frequency Calibration Procedure
Please note the information below regarding the use of the Frequency Calibration routine
- Running the Frequency Calibration procedure will only correct for slight frequency differences on the order of a few Hz.
- If the Optional GPSDO (GPS Disciplined Oscillator) is installed, the calibration routine will not be available.
- If an External 10 MHz source is connected to the radio you can still use the calibration routine if the external clock is in error by a small amount. Running the Frequency Calibration routine will adjust the offset to set the radio closer to the exact frequency. (milli-Herz corrections.)
- Allow your radio to warm up for at least 30 minutes before performing this procedure.
- Open a single slice on your radio, using ANT1, and tune to WWV at either 10 MHz or 15 MHz. Select the frequency that has the strongest and most stable signal. A signal of S7 or better is recommended.
- Open the SmartSDR "Settings > Radio Setup > RX" tab.
If You Are Unable to Receive WWV or WWVH at 5, 10, 15, or 20 MHz
You can configure your radio to use a different Standard Time and Frequency station,
such as CHU (Canada - 7.85 MHz, 14.67 MHz), RWM (Moscow - 9.996 MHz, 14.996 MHz),
EBC (Spain - 4.998 MHz, 15.006 MHz), BPM (China - 5, 10, 15 MHz) or others.
There are several lists of such stations available on the internet. Here is one example:
Enter the desired calibration frequency into the "Cal Frequency (MHz)" box and hit the TAB key to set the frequency.
- Click on the Start Button.
- The radio will begin the calibration process. Wait until it finishes.
It will then display the Frequency Correction Offset in the box under the Cal Frequency. - An offset of +/- 15,000 (ppb) is not unusual and the radio will correct this error by adjusting the Oscillator. The closer the offset value is to 0 ppb, the less correction is needed.
- Close the "Radio Setup" window when finished.
The image below shows a station with WWV at 10 MHz that is exactly on frequency:
The image below is off-frequency by 200 Hz, which is too great a frequency error for the calibration routine to adjust.
If the Calibration routine does not bring the WWV Signal into sync with the panadapter, Or the frequency drifts around, there may be a problem that requires opening a HelpDesk Ticket. To diagnose the issue, you will need to run the following test:
Run a Frequency Stability Test using WWV
- Open a single slice on a single panadapter. (Just as you would tune to any frequency.)
- Click on the Left-hand "pull-out" menu and select the "BAND" tab to change bands.
- Select "WWV"
- Tune to WWV on either 10 or 15 MHz (Whichever is strongest at our location)
If the frequency that automatically comes up is not giving a good signal level at your station, click in the Frequency Readout of the Slice Flag enter 5, or 20, and hit "ENTER" to directly tune to the new WWV Frequency.
- Set the mode to AM or CW.
- Zoom the panadapter in as close as you can. (Repeatedly click the little "+" Button in the lower left-hand of the Panadapter Screen until the screen stops zooming in.)
- Adjust the line that divides the panadapter and waterfall so that you are showing about 3/4 waterfall.
- Click on the Left-hand Pull-out menu and select "Display."
Set the Waterfall RATE to about 80.
- Let the radio monitor on that frequency until you have filled the waterfall screen with the trace.
- If the Trace of the WWV Carrier is straight, true, and accurate, then your radio is stable and on frequency.
This image shows a radio that is Stable and Accurate:
What if the WWV Signal Trace is Not Stable?
- If the trace wobbles to the right and left, then there is most likely a hardware issue with one of the oscillators that needs to be repaired.
- There are different types of "wobblies" a) smooth, b) Random or sudden, and c) "Square Wave" (sudden jumps)
This picture shows a radio that is Wobbling with almost a sine-wave pattern:
This radio shows a sudden jagged, "hunting" pattern:
This radio shows the "Square wave" type pattern: (Taken from SSDR for IOS)
If you have any of the symptoms from the Frequency Calibration or Frequency Stability tests above, you will need to contact FlexRadio Support by opening a HelpDesk ticket:
Contact Support by opening a HelpDesk Ticket:
How to Submit a Request for Technical Support – FlexRadio
Then send the Support Team screen captures of your test results:
How to Take a Screen Capture of your SmartSDR Screens – FlexRadio
The FlexRadio Support Team will help diagnose the issue and issue an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) to send the radio in for repair if needed.