Introduction and Background:
Here are times when DAX drivers or devices may become corrupt or fail to install properly due to interference from other drivers or 3rd party anti-virus / anti-spyware / anti-malware programs.
If requested by Technical Support to reinstall your DAX drivers, use the procedure below.
This procedure assumes you are running on a Windows 64-bit operating system.
If using a 32-bit version of Windows, change the directory paths to replace 64-bit Drivers with 32-bit Drivers.
In the example below, SmartSDR version 3.8.18 is used to re-install 64-bit DAX drivers.
Run this procedure from the latest SmartSDR for Windows application folder installed on your PC.
If your latest version of SmartSDR is, for example, 2.12.1, then replace v3.8.19 with v2.12.1 in the examples below.
NOTE: Before you run this procedure, do not have any 3rd party anti-virus / anti-spyware / anti-malware programs running on your computer. Many of these prevent DAX from installing properly.
Uninstall Your Previous DAX Drivers and Devices:
- Shut down SmartSDR.
- Close the DAX Control Panel.
- Close any sound card applications that may be using a DAX sound device.
- Open the Windows File Explorer and navigate to the directory:
"Windows (C:) > Program Files > FlexRadio Systems > SmartSDR v3.8.19> 64-bit Drivers" - Click on the "View" menu pull-down and select "Show > File Name Extensions"
Uninstall the DAX IQ Driver and Devices: - Double-click on the "IQ_DAX" Directory Folder:
- Find the DAXIQ driver uninstall batch file: "SmartSDR_IQ_DAX_uninstall.bat"
- Right-click on the file and select "Run As Administrator"
- Click on the appropriate "OK" or "Apply" message, if needed.
- Click the "Up Arrow" to move to the "64-bit Drivers" folder.
Uninstall the DAX MIC AUDIO Driver and Devices: - Double-click on the "MICAudio_DAX" folder
- Find the file: "SmartSDR_MICAUDIO_DAX_uninstall.bat"
- Right-click on the file and select "Run as administrator."
- Click on the appropriate "OK" or "Apply" message, if needed.
- Click the "Up Arrow" to move to the "64-bit Drivers" folder.
Uninstall the DAX RX AUDIO Driver and Devices: - Double-click on the "RXAudio_DAX" folder
- Find the file: "SmartSDR_RX_DAX_uninstall.bat"
- Right-click on the file and select "Run as administrator."
- Click on the appropriate "OK" or "Apply" message, if needed.
- Click the "Up Arrow" to move to the "64-bit Drivers" folder.
Uninstall the DAX TX AUDIO Driver and Devices: - Double-click on the "TXAudio_DAX" folder
- Find the file: "SmartSDR_TX_DAX_uninstall.bat"
- Right-click on the file and select "Run as administrator."
- Click on the appropriate "OK" or "Apply" message, if needed.
- Close the Folder window and Reboot the PC
Confirm that all DAX Drivers and Devices have been removed:
- Open Windows Device Manager by right-clicking on the Windows icon in the Task Bar and selecting "Device Manager" from the list.
- Select "View > Show hidden devices"
- Select "Sound, Video and Game Controllers"
Assure that no DAX Drivers remain.
If there are any DAX Drivers remaining, repeat the section above to remover that DAX Driver. - Now, select the "Audio Inputs and Outputs" tab.
- If any DAX Devices are showing, or appear "grayed out" right-click on them and select "Uninstall Device"
- Hit "OK" or "Apply" as requested.
- Repeat for any DAX Devices that are showing.
- When finished, close the Device Manager
- Reboot the computer
Install The DAX Drivers and Devices:
- Open the Windows File Explorer and navigate to the directory:
Windows (C:) > Program Files > FlexRadio Systems > SmartSDR v3.8.19 > 64-bit Drivers - If file extensions are not shown, click on the "View" menu pull-down and select "Show > File name extensions"
IMPORTANT NOTE: IN these next steps you will install two files for each DAX Driver:
The "***.inf file," and the "***._Install.bat" file
Install the DAX IQ Driver and Devices:
- Double-click on the "IQ_DAX" Directory Folder:
- Find the file: "SmartSDR_IQ_DAX.inf" (it will have a small "gear" icon on it")
- Right-click on it and select "Install"
- THEN: Find the DAXIQ driver install batch file: "SmartSDR_IQ_DAX_install.bat"
- Right-click on the file and select "Run As Administrator"
- Click on the appropriate "OK" or "Apply" message, if needed.
- Click the "Up Arrow" to move to the "64-bit Drivers" folder.
Install the DAX MIC AUDIO Driver and Devices:
- Double-click on the "MICAudio_DAX" folder
- Find the file: "SmartSDR_MICAUDIO_DAX.inf" (it will have a small "gear" icon on it")
- Right-click on it and select "Install"
- THEN: Find the file: "SmartSDR_MICAUDIO_DAX_install.bat"
- Right-click on the file and select "Run as administrator."
- Click on the appropriate "OK" or "Apply" message, if needed.
- Click the "Up Arrow" to move to the "64-bit Drivers" folder.
Install the DAX RX AUDIO Driver and Devices:
- Double-click on the "RXAudio_DAX" folder
- Find the file: "SmartSDR_Audio_DAX.inf" (it will have a small "gear" icon on it")
- Right-click on it and select "Install"
- THEN: Find the file: "SmartSDR_RX_DAX_install.bat"
- Right-click on the file and select "Run as administrator."
- Click on the appropriate "OK" or "Apply" message, if needed.
- Click the "Up Arrow" to move to the "64-bit Drivers" folder.
Install the DAX TX Audio Driver and Devices
- Double-click on the "TXAudio_DAX" folder
- Find the file: "SmartSDR_TX_DAX.inf" ((it will have a small "gear" icon on it")
- Right-click on it and select "Install"
- THEN: Find the file: "SmartSDR_TX_DAX_install.bat"
- Right-click on the file and select "Run as administrator."
- Click the appropriate "OK" or "Apply" message, if needed.
- Close the Folder window and Reboot the PC
This completes the manual Installation of the DAX Drivers and Devices.